Thursday, August 26, 2021

"I'll be hanging in a classroom one day..."

On Opening Day in Happiness class Tuesday I referenced Opening Day in 2019, and Woody Allen's film Manhattan. Here's what I posted the next day, back then. Other side of COVID seems like more than just two years ago, doesn't it?

Originally published Aug. 30, 2019:

LISTEN. A  student introduced himself yesterday, in Philosophy of Happiness, as "the oldest guy in the room." Sometimes, when people say that, they mean they're 3d year students, twenty or so. This guy really was of my generation, even a little older. A "me generation" product of the 1970s, he called himself, before going on to credit Woody Allen with drawing him to philosophy.

I can't count how many times, over the years, I've referenced scenes and lines from Annie Hall, Manhattan, Sleeper, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Midnight in Paris, et al,  to blank stares of non-recognition. Those who've heard of Woody at all know him simply as one more old guy accused of sexual misconduct, with a sordid intra-family twist.

I can't defend Woody's morals, and of the worst accusations fervently hope he's not guilty as charged. I do know that, like our "non-traditional" classmate, Woody's film work was a big positive influence in my life.

The Woody scenes from Manhattan we referenced in class:

An idea for a short story about, um, people in Manhattan who are constantly creating these real, unnecessary, neurotic problems for themselves cos it keeps them from dealing with more unsolvable, terrifying problems about... the universe. Let's... Well, it has to be optimistic. Well, all right, why is life worth living? That's a very good question. Well, there are certain things, I guess, that make it worthwhile. Like what?
OK... for me... 
Ooh, I would say Groucho Marx, to name one thing. And Willie Mays. And... the second movement of the Jupiter Symphony. And... Louis Armstrong's recording of Potato Head BluesSwedish movies, naturally. Sentimental Education by Flaubert. Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra. Those incredible apples and pears by Cezanne. The crabs at Sam Wo's. Tracy's face...

You know, someday we're gonna be like him. And he was probably one of the beautiful people, dancing and playing tennis. And now look. This is what happens to us. You know, it's important to have some kind of personal integrity. I'll be hanging in a classroom one day and I wanna make sure when I thin out that I'm... well thought of...

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