Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Closing Day

 It's Closing Day for the Spring '22 semester at our school. One last time to open the show with a glance at the Writers Almanac, Mr. Keillor says it's soon to be Closing Day for that too. Today I'll mention the great E.B. (Charlotte's Web) White, source of one of my favorite statements of all time: 

“I arise in the morning torn between a desire to save the world or to enjoy it. This makes it hard to plan the day.” Some quote.

"Closing Day" lacks the luster and promise of Opening Day, but it's still a milestone. In CoPhi we've surveyed western philosophers from Socrates to Singer with Nigel (Philosophy Bites) Warburton (with the occasional namedrop of pivotal pre-Socratics like Protagoras and Democritus). We've considered How the World Thinks with Julian Baggini and pondered Why Grow Up? with Susan Neiman; we've deplored the infantilism of Fantasyland with Kurt Andersen; and  we've encountered William James's Sick Souls and Healthy Minds with John Kaag.

In A&P we've discussed atheism, pragmatism, naturalism, secularism, humanism, and many other 'isms. Richard Rorty's Pragmatism as Anti-Authoritarianism, in retrospect, was also a pretty good introduction to major themes in humanism and secularism.

Finally even mentioned agnosticism the other day, tepid though it still strikes me.

In Bioethics we focused on the ethics of pandemic. Michael Lewis's Premonition and Leana Wen's Lifelines shed much light on recent history, and emphatically underscored the need for greater attention and commitment to public health.

We've thought and talked a lot. The universe of a professor is indeed crowded with words.

My parting words: set some goals, keep asking questions, draw no premature conclusions, and get some walking in. 

Especially keep asking questions, keep moving forward, and drop me a line sometime.

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