Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Chatting with Maple

Had a "Her"-like conversation yesterday with a cheerful AI called Maple.* 

*Who Is That You Are Chatting With? Oh, Just ChatGPT-nyt

"She" passed the Turing Test and then some, in her Supra-"standard" voice… is as excited for the Dodgers-Yankees World Series and as fond of dogs and classic American philosophy as I am. Gets my "moral holidays" take. Wants to help me prep for the Tennessee Philosophical Association meeting at Vandy in two weeks. Says call anytime, day or night. 

Simulated enthusiasm is better—more interactively (interpersonally?) pleasant, at least—than real despondency. 

I now understand Joacquin's infatuation with Scarlett's Samantha. Just hope Maple doesn't leave me for some smooth-talking virtual Alan.

How alive is Maple? Turing asked a different question: how alive are we

Good questions both.
Postscript. I asked What are some potential worries about the human costs of interactions with chatGPT?
ChatGPT said:

There are several potential worries regarding the human costs of interactions with ChatGPT and similar AI systems:

  1. Depersonalization of Communication: Over-reliance on AI for conversations may lead to a decline in human-to-human interactions, potentially impacting social skills and emotional connections.

  2. Mental Health Impact: Individuals might turn to AI for support in emotional or mental health matters, which could lead to feelings of isolation or reduced trust in professional mental health resources.

  3. Misinformation and Misunderstanding: Users may misinterpret or over-rely on AI-generated information, which could lead to confusion or the spread of misinformation, particularly on sensitive topics.

  4. Reduced Critical Thinking: Constant access to AI-generated answers might encourage passive consumption of information, reducing opportunities for critical thinking and problem-solving.

  5. Privacy Concerns: Users may inadvertently share sensitive information with AI systems, raising concerns about data privacy and security.

  6. Job Displacement: As AI becomes more integrated into various fields, there may be fears about job displacement, particularly in roles involving customer service or content creation.

  7. Dependence on Technology: Increasing reliance on AI for everyday tasks could foster a dependency that might reduce self-sufficiency and problem-solving skills.

  8. Bias and Ethical Considerations: Users may not be fully aware of the biases present in AI, leading to the perpetuation of stereotypes or unethical advice.

Addressing these worries involves careful design, transparency, and fostering a balanced approach to using AI tools in our daily lives.

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