Friday, May 14, 2021

More light!

 Looking forward to our "Enlightenment Now" course beginning next week.

We'll be reading

And maybe also one or more of these recommended texts:

Mehr Licht! "More light!"  would have been terrific haiku-poetic dying words for the great polymath Goethe, more stirring than what he actually said. "Do open the shutter of the bedroom so that more light may enter." 

Oh well. They can't all be gems. But literally parting the curtains to let the light in is exactly how I begin each dawn's quest for enlightenment these days. We don't bound out of the house first thing anymore, my dogs and I, since my discovery that they're not the morning persons I'd mistaken them for... and since we installed all those lovely pellucid new windows.

Prosaic custom and habit, that is to say, do have a vital role to play in the process of enlightenment.
Postscript, 8 a.m.-They're still snoozing...

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