Friday, July 2, 2021

Fauci, Humanist

LISTEN. I was so pleased yesterday to see that Dr. Fauci had been named Humanist of the Year, I impulsively registered for the annual conference of the American Humanist Association. I've talked about attending that event for years, or at least wanting and intending to, but somehow managed never to follow through. I could think of no reason at all to skip the last (let's hope!) virtual/remote version, happening later in July.

...In the US and throughout the world, he is respected for his efforts to address COVID-19. Throughout the global pandemic, his push for evidence-based solutions and emphasis on the importance of science and reason has been a guiding light in difficult times. Dr. Fauci has identified as a humanist and mentions that he aligns with humanist values. He has said in recent interviews: “I look upon myself as a humanist. I have faith in the goodness of mankind.” and “I’m less enamored of organized religion than I am with the principles of humanity and goodness to mankind and doing the best that you can.”

I wasn't surprised to learn that he's a self-avowed Humanist, any more than I was surprised that he's passionate about baseball. "Faith in the goodness of mankind" and "doing the best you can" goes hand-in-hand with suffering a losing streak without losing hope. 

And, I can personally attest, counting on reason and medical science to see us through personal and global health crises is a winning strategy. It's also an answer to the irrationalist contrarians of the world, the Dostoevskian Underground Men and Grand Inquisitors who don't think humans have it in them to rely upon their own understanding and agency, to shoulder the responsibility for their own fate. Dr. Fauci has shown us the meaning of Sapere Aude in our time. Good call, AHA! ...LISTEN

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