Monday, July 12, 2021

Outta here

 It's time to pack for an actual trip! 

(Our old friend and Best Man is pinch-hitting for me in Enlightenment class this week, I'll have to fill in for him on a carpentry job or something sometime. Yes, that's a joke.)

We're flying tomorrow to Kansas City (MO), where we'll participate in a memorial for another dear friend who died mid-pandemic. 

Then it's on to Ottawa (KS) for the long-postponed Baseball in Literature and Culture Conference. The chair of my session happens to be an MTSU colleague whose path I don't think I've crossed since the last time we gathered in Kansas, in the spring of 2019. He used to be one of the conference organizers, back when we hosted it. He always scheduled my presentations in Dining Room C, literally across the hall from my office. The current organizer asked me to send along a bio. 

You could introduce me as a veteran of this conference, 10 times in M'boro and every year so far in Ottawa. (Almost broke my streak, had two back surgeries just a month ago. But Drs. Crosby and Glattes and the good people at Elite Sports Medicine and Orthopedics have me up and going... My wife has accompanied me this time, the first time I've flown in. Usually I drive so I can stop en route to see my sister in Columbia MO.)

Or as the guy who used to have the shortest commute to the conference venue, from 300 JUB to Dining Room C.

Or a guy you once accompanied to a game in the Nashville Sounds' inaugural season downtown, in 2015. (How time flies!)

Or as a distressed Cardinals fan who feels like he's fallen into a wormhole and landed in the 70s.

Or you could just quote my Twitter profile: Philosophy prof in TN. Early riser. Peripatetic. Dog person. Baseball fan. Author of William James's Springs of Delight': The Return to Life

See you soon. (Funny how we seem to meet only in Kansas.)

As always, for this event, I've over-prepared.  I'll get to a few of these slides. I'll probably add a few more.

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