Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Back from the dismal land of COVID. Finally felt more or less normal in yesterday's mild loveliness, a few days after quarantine lifted. I got my positive diagnosis at the Vandy walk-in clinic on the very day I was scheduled for my fourth jab. Guess it was just my turn. Did I catch the vile virus at the Lyceum party? Could be. It was still a good party.

Yesterday was a fine day for a long leisurely drive on the Natchez Trace Parkway. My brother-in-law needed a ride home to Hohenwald from Centennial Hospital, where his persistent heart issues landed him again last weekend. Hope the sunny stress-free 50 mph drive we shared with just a few random bikers and almost no other vehicles was as restorative of his spirits as it was mine. Gotta have heart, brother.

Sure wish that was my regular commute instead of I-24.

But that's the little road trip I'm doing later this morning, just halfway to the 'boro--to the pool superstore for that black bucket of chemicals we need to open our redneck pool for the season. We've added a little deck this year. Life is good.


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