Friday, May 20, 2022

The morrow

 Today's poem from Wendell Berry raises a perennial theme: how best to live today, so as best to discharge our obligation to tomorrow. I've interpreted his view before.* Present satisfaction and continued existence are not rivals. Hope for the future must center on ourselves, in our own time.

I. from Sabbaths 2014
Wendell Berry

The long cold drives inward
into shelter, into the body, into
limits of strength and time.

Out of darkness day comes.
The earth now white, the trees bear
bright new foliage of snow.

beautiful, yes. “Beautiful, but hell!”
Junior Wright said, wading
in knee-deep snow to feed

the snowbound cattle. We were young
then and really didn’t mind.
This morning, half a century

later, under the beautiful trees,
beautiful truly, repaying much,
I dig out the paths again,

renewing again the pattern of home
life grown old in this place
and many times renewed. Continuing
my difficult study, I remind myself
again: “Take no thought for the morrow.” WA

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