Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Salty friends

Next would seem properly to follow a dissertation on Friendship,* begins Aristotle in Book VIII of his Nicomachean Ethics

I've been invited to participate in the Fall Honors lecture series, whose theme is precisely that. I'm setting myself the initial goal of understanding what to make of the old proverb Aristotle endorses that "men cannot know one another 'till they have eaten the requisite quantity of salt together'..." 

My friends and I have a tradition of gathering every August and consuming mass quantities of pub and ballpark food (and drink) at minor league venues in places like Chattanooga, Asheville, Nashville, Huntsville... This year it'll be Lexington KY, on the Bourbon Trail. Salt and bourbon pair well, in my experience. Would Aristotle approve? Maybe I'll ask him.



* because, in the first place, it is either itself a virtue or connected with virtue; and next it is a thing most necessary for life, since no one would choose to live without friends though he should have all the other good things in the world...

Right. The nachos and onion rings just aren't the same without friends to make them worth their salt.

NOTE: That last image is at the late great Nashville institution Rotier's... we were there not long before it closed forever, recapitulating our old '80s grad school Friday night tradition. One last cheeseburger on french breach with a side of rings. Sigh. 

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