Friday, June 24, 2022

Strange but true

 As people like to say on the internet, I don't know who needs to hear this... Actually, I do. 

The latest Strange New Worlds episode was exceeding strange indeed, but I'm glad we stuck with it when in the early going it just seemed frivolous and goofy. 

Turned out to be more serious than silly with its Kahlil Gibran-esque parental message: your children are not your children. If you love them let them go. If you can’t “cure” or fix or change them for the better, or for your particular notion of what's better for them, then give someone or something else a chance. Give them a chance.

Either way, don’t try to hold them in the “pattern buffer,” the stasis of childhood innocence. They've got to author their own story. 

Like Emerson said (I'll track the precise quote down later... but he also said to stop quoting others and just tell us what you know): you shouldn't try to replicate yourself in them, and you shouldn't be disappointed or feel rejected when they turn out not to be your replicant. 

"For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday." (Never mind that SNW is a prequel.)

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