Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Happily dissolved

Willa Cather only wrote for two or three hours a day. She said, "If I made a chore of it, my enthusiasm would die. I make it an adventure every day."

Her headstone reads, "That is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great." After her death, poet Wallace Stevens said, "We have nothing better than she is." WA 

And that reminds me of what Annie Dillard said about Wallace Stevens's walking/working routine.

"Wallace Stevens in his forties, living in Hartford, Connecticut, hewed to a productive routine. He rose at six, read for two hours, and walked another hour—three miles—to work. He dictated poems to his secretary. He ate no lunch; at noon he walked for another hour, often to an art gallery. He walked home from work—another hour. After dinner he retired to his study; he went to bed at nine. On Sundays, he walked in the park. I don’t know what he did on Saturdays. Perhaps he exchanged a few words with his wife, who posed for the Liberty dime." The Writing Life, recounted by Maria Popova

A routine like that might make working for an insurance company almost tolerable. Not for me, though, unless I could take the dogs with me. 

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