Wednesday, March 15, 2023

"We are literally connected"

The Transcendent Brain: The Poetic Physicist Alan Lightman on Spirituality for the Science-Spirited

"Most transcendent experiences are completely ego-free. In the moment, we lose track of time and space, we lose track of our bodies, we lose track of our selves. We dissolve. And yet… spirituality emerges from consciousness and the material brain. And the paramount signature of consciousness is a sense of self, an "I-ness" distinct from the rest of the cosmos. Thus, curiously, a thing centered on self creates a thing absent of self…"

And when we really are dissolved, when the material brain and body have dispersed their atoms and no trace of ego and self remains? What then?

"The atoms in my body will remain, only they will be scattered about. Those atoms will not know where they came from, but they will have been mine. Some of them will once have been part of the memory of my mother dancing the bossa nova. Some will once have been part of the memory of the vinegary smell of my first apartment. Some will once have been part of my hand. If I could label each of my atoms at this moment, imprint each with my Social Security number, someone could follow them for the next thousand years as they floated in air, mixed with the soil, became parts of particular plants and trees, dissolved in the ocean, and then floated again to the air. And some will undoubtedly become parts of other people, particular people. So, we are literally connected to the stars, and we are literally connected to future generations of people. In this way, even in a material universe, we are connected to all things future and past." Alan Lightman, cited by Maria Popova 

That's simply the spiritual core of Darwinian evolution, raised to cosmic proportions. "We are literally connected to the stars" and "to future generations..."

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