Monday, January 17, 2022

Don't panic

 Well here we go again, the start of another pandemic-shadowed semester in a state whose legislators insist on our absolute persona freedom from responsible and prudent action in service of the public health and general well-being. 

A story in the Times yesterday quoted the old Vanderbilt Chancellor Gordon Gee, now at the helm of the University of West Virginia.

“I think there is a rush to do something immediate, and that kind of is a panic push, which I don’t like,” he said. “We’ll never go back to where we were, those days are done. This is what life is about. We have the Omicron, we have the Delta, next year when you and I take a flu shot, we’re going to take it with a dose of Covid vaccine.” Some Colleges Loosen Rules for a Virus That Won’t Go Away

I'm triple-vaxed myself, but I've never had a flu shot. Does that have to change now? Whatever. Just don't panic. (And don't address students, as one arrogant, profane, and benighted history prof in Michigan did, as "vectors of disease"-!)

Our Provost sent around our marching orders, reminding us that in Tennessee we cannot require masks in our classrooms or send anyone out for exhibiting alarming symptoms. But, "run your classrooms as you see fit within the boundaries set by good sense and the rules of the University." Ha ha ha.

The Covid affliction is one health crisis we're still having to deal with, another--which it has doubtless had much to do with exacerbating--is the emotional strain and angst so many students say they're suffering these days. Eric Idle, the Python, offers this sound philosophical counsel to all who find themselves feeling blue (not to be confused with True Blue).
@bodonadam: i'm a sick guy (long term) and i've been feeling rather melancholy lately, ive just turned 30. any words of wisdom/advice, if you have time, @EricIdle? maybe a reading or music suggestion? I usually love making and listening to music.
Yes. You’re alive. You’re going to die. Don’t waste any time. That’s what George would say. Be alive! Live each day to the best of your ability. With love and kindness. I have a Reading Blog if you want reading advice. All music is better than none. Good luck.

 Couple this with what he once sang to Mrs. Brown, and you should be fine.

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving... all evidence to the contrary. And good luck.

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