Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Opening Day!

LISTEN. Another semester's Opening Day is upon us. Deja Vu all over again. It's cold out there, as they say day after day in Punxsutawney PA. After so many of them, I (like Phil Connors) should be able to get it right. 

Getting it right is pretty easy, on Opening Day in CoPhi, Atheism, and Bioethics. We just talk about who we are and why we're here, and we prepare to ask and address lots and lots of other questions. 

Questions like: What is philosophy? What is wisdom? What is the status and importance of truth (and facts, and reality) in our country and our world? How does the world think? Why do so many of us think it's okay to believe whatever we feel like believing? Why do so many have so cavalier a disregard for the health and well-being of our peers? Why do so many choose to live in Fantasyland?

And is it true, as an old prof of mine liked to quote Martin Heidegger, that "only a god can save us now?" 

Or was Carl Sagan right: there's no sign that help is coming from any external quarter to save us from ourselves?

I choose, as a humanist and meliorist, to look on the bright side. Let's co-philosophize and see if we can't improve our situation. Or at least do no harm.

I'll leave it there, for now. I don't want to presume that any of us has all the time in the world.

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