Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Joe Bien

LISTEN. Kharis finally got to deliver his Existentialism report in CoPhi yesterday. It was worth waiting for. He's a native French speaker, and what I liked most about his presentation was the way he rendered the pronunciation of "Sartre": just like my old Existentialism professor and department chair at Mizzou, Joe Bien

Professor Bien earned his Ph.D. at the Sorbonne in Paris and sounded authentic, at least to my untutored midwestern ear. I thought he looked like Clark Kent. 

He retired in 2015. I was sorry to learn just this past weekend of his death in August. "He loved opera, classical music, collecting movies and records. He served as the Course Director of the International Society of Philosophy of Dubrovnik, Croatia." I didn't know that.

He used to chain-smoke unfiltered Pall-Malls in class while expatiating breathily on bad faith and being and nothingness and nausea et al. The fact that he made it to his mid-80s is about as surprising to me as the fact that Keith Richards* is still rocking. He had a wry sense of humor and an inviting manner. He's one of the teachers who made me want to study philosophy. 

I was lucky to have had several of those as an undergrad, including Don Sievert (who chugged away on a cigar and quoted Woody Allen while explaining the arcana of Locke and Hume) and Alex von Schoenborn (who spoke cryptically of Husserl and Heidegger and Reinhold?) and Peter Markie, almost as young as we were. There wasn't a pragmatist in the bunch, but they got me more than ready for Willy James.

My Huntsville professor pal was a peer back then, seeing him at the TPA over the weekend is probably why I'm recovering these nostalgic memories this morning. We were speaking in class yesterday about some of the happier things about growing older. Fond memories of special people are at the top of that list.


*I see Keith trending this afternoon on Twitter, but it’s another false alarm…

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