Monday, November 21, 2022

Start talking?

Things have been a little quiet in the William James cyber-verse lately, as represented by, So I've sent out a little message in a bottle, we'll see if it washes up on shore somewhere.
 As an inaugural At-Large member of the WJS board, veep-elect, and recent semi-self-exile from Twitter, I invite all friends of Wm James to follow me to Mastodon

There must be a lot of pent-up James talk just looking for an outlet. But of course, as WJ himself  said, "What an awful trade that of professor is—paid to talk, talk, talk! . . . It would be an awful universe if everything could be converted into words, words, words."

And as John Lachs said, "There is something devastatingly hollow about the demonstration that thought without action is hollow, when we find the philosopher only thinking it." Or talking about it. 

But talk is a place to start. 

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