Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Opening Day!

LISTEN. Hooray hooray, it's another Opening Day!

Our Spring '23 semester commences today. I'm on from (practically) dawn 'til bedtime, with three sections of CoPhi commencing early, Experience ending late in the evening, and that long commute I so enjoy not making during the breaks bookending it all. 

I've posted my introductions and look forward to meeting a fresh crop of students, most of whom won't get my ancient cultural references to (for instance) Monty Python... but they're all individuals anyway, I'll point out.

Experience is different, it's a Master of Liberal Arts class composed of students spanning the post-grad demographic and thus meets late to accommodate those who work regular day jobs. Once in a while one or two of them are older even than I, and I'm old enough to have seen more than a few friends and colleagues hang it up already. 

I'm not ready to retire though, and when eventually I do I'll sure miss Opening Day. I'll miss getting to know the new kids, and I'll miss holding them captive to hear messages like this one from a peer in Dallas:

"… Universities are factories of human knowledge. They're also monuments to individual ignorance. We know an incredible amount, but I know only a tiny bit. College puts students in classrooms with researchers who are acutely aware of all they don't know. Professors have a reputation for arrogance, but a humble awareness of the limits of knowledge is their first step toward discovering a little more.

To overcome careerism and knowingness and instill in students a desire to learn, schools and parents need to convince students (and perhaps themselves) that college has more to offer than job training. You're a worker for only part of your life; you're a human being, a creature with a powerful brain, throughout it…" --Jonathan Malesic

So that's our first lesson: be human and stay that way, in school and ever after. Learning is a lifelong affair. We're not here merely to acquire marketable skills, we're here to learn to love to learn and grow and live well with all kinds of others. We're here to learn to flourish, to seek the habits of character that contribute to genuinely good lives. Socrates and Aristotle will back me up on that, very shortly.

First, though, I'll ask Who are you? Why are you here? (etc.), for as Marcus the Stoic said,

"A person who doesn't know what the universe is, doesn't know where they are. A person who doesn't know their purpose in life doesn't know who they are or what the universe is. A person who doesn't know any one of these things doesn't know why they are here. So what to make of people who seek or avoid the praise of those who have no knowledge of where or who they are?"—MARCUS AURELIUS, MEDITATIONS, 8.52"

What I say of such people is that they need to study a little philosophy, to acquire a little humility and a noble curiosity. They need to address those questions and a whole lot more. I'll try to help.


  1. My name is Savanna Preston and I am here to understand more about how I am as a learner and who I want to be in the future.

  2. My name is Eva Both I am here because it is required for me, but would also like to try and understand philosophy.

  3. My name is Cole Prestwood. I am here to because it is required of me, however I believe the study of philosophy will be of great aid in my future.

  4. My name is Denarika Hubbard. I am here because my friend told me philosophy is a great class and it will open up the way you think. I am excited for this class and I would like to understand a lot more of philosophy.

  5. Hi, My name is Dinah Anderson. I am here to learn about myself and the people/ world around me. I am excited about this class because I enjoy learning in general but would also like to explore philosophy more.

  6. My names is carlos I chose philosophy because I think studying philosophy because I wanna understand and study the world in a different way from traditional methods.

  7. My name is Nathan Porter. I am here because I want to know more about philosophy on a deeper level.

  8. My name is Justin Bowlus. I wish to learn the hidden questions and answers of our everyday life through philosophy.

  9. My name is Madison Kilgore! I love thinking and discussion, and I've loved philosophy in the past, so I decided that maybe here is where I need to be.
