Monday, January 2, 2023

“What then?”

A philosopher in the Sunday Times has an important question for young people and others who've so far had the privilege of being able to take bodily health for granted:

"…there is a limit to the happiness we can find in maintaining what is generally accepted as a healthy or beautiful body: If you are fortunate enough to live a long life, your body will break down. And it is not only age that can have its way with our bodies. Illness, accident or disability can quickly put an end to that bodily source of happiness. What then?

As a professor of philosophy exploring important life questions with my students — most of them young people whose conception of the world is more likely to be shaped by social media and corporate messaging than by the occasional course in philosophy — this is one I return to often: How can we come to understand the full range of the body's aesthetic potential and power?"
How Henri Matisse (and I) Got a 'Beautiful Body'

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