Wednesday, January 25, 2023

What Would Plato Say About ChatGPT?

A.I. can be a learning tool for schools with enough teachers and resources to use it well.

"...When I asked ChatGPT a range of questions — about the ethical challenges faced by journalists who work with hacked materials, the necessity of cryptocurrency regulation, the possibility of democratic backsliding in the United States — the answers were cogent, well reasoned and clear. It's also interactive: I could ask for more details or request changes.

But then, on trickier topics or more complicated concepts, ChatGPT sometimes gave highly plausible answers that were flat-out wrong — something its creators warn about in their disclaimers.

Unless you already knew the answer or were an expert in the field, you could be subjected to a high-quality intellectual snow job.

You would face, as Plato predicted, "the show of wisdom without the reality."

All this, however, doesn't mean ChatGPT — or similar tools, because it's not the only one of its kind — can't be a useful tool in education.

Schools have already been dealing with the internet's wealth of knowledge, along with its lies, misleading claims and essay mills..."

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