Delight Springs

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Radical pessimism at the door

Back from a satisfyingly heat-beating bikeride-and-walk to and through the Richland Creek Greenway. Reflected a bit on the British view of the American experience during the revolutionary period, through the lens of the BBC's This Sceptred Isle . There's always another side to every story.

I wonder if I'd have been a Loyalist or a Patriot? In the present context, I'm neither - the present context being the borderline dystopia lately surveyed in Jill Lepore's New Yorker essay on the new literature of radical pessimism. “We are what happens when the seemingly unthinkable celebrity rises to power,” indeed. I'm not surrendering to pessimism yet, but these are challenging days for a melioristic pragmatist. That's probably why I find myself drawn to the bigger picture, and to history. This too shall pass. And meanwhile?

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's ride-and-walk through the Warner Parks.
My Vandy pals who argue that pluralists can't be pragmatists are spotlighted in the new Vanderbilt Magazine, arguing in the spirit of J.S. Mill for a vigorous civil discourse. I will continue to argue the point with them, civilly and vigorously - as soon as I figure out exactly what's flawed in their argument... maybe their new book will shed needed light. They'll have to send me a copy for review, I sure can't afford it (must be a hell of an argument)!
Pragmatism, Pluralism, and the Nature of Philosophy (Routledge Studies in American Philosophy) by Scott F. Aikin and Robert B. Talisse Hardcover $ 133 08  $140.00PrimeAvailable for Pre-order
Dec 31, 2017

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