Delight Springs

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Disenfranchised again

 Too close to call, so Trump says stop counting ballots and just declare him the winner. Sure, that's the way democracies decide elections. 

But of course this is no democracy. Voting blue in a winner-take-all red state (and vice versa) always feels symbolically important, but the hollowness of the exercise is palpable on election day. Being disenfranchised in Tennessee is a familiar experience, but it always stings. Guess I can empathize with Massachusetts and California Republicans. 

Inner Stoic, come out. Some things are not up to us. We'll figure out what to do about this sham system in my Spring "Democracy in America" MALA course, as though it were. But things won't change until younger Americans decide in droves that finally rectifying the fundamental unfairness of our electoral process is up to them. Meanwhile, my job is to encourage them to persist, not to be resigned, to be the ultimate Deciders. 

And to distract myself from the outrage. Fortunately I've still got dogs to walk, grading to do, and a little tune to whistle. 

Always look on the bright side... 🎜

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