Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Promoting American studies

 Now that American Studies at our school is my baby, I've been authorized to spend up to $500 promoting it. Guess that'll mostly take the form of posters scattered around campus. What should they look like? What words and images will capture students' attention long enough to plant a seed of curious interest? Maybe

  • America: study it or lose it
  • What the hell happened, America?
  • America the polarized: why can't we all just get along?
  • Make America democratic again
  • American culture: what a good idea
Maybe not.

Images may be more promising. There are so many iconic possibilities, as a quick glance at American Studies programs on the internet reveals. 

I like the way Sam Houston University spotlights "experience"...

Lipscomb's choice to highlight the Supremes seems a bit odd, though there's no denying their impact on our culture.


Utah State takes a smartly cosmopolitan and trans-continental approach.

But I think I'd like our poster to spotlight three iconic Americans from the USA. Who should they be? So many to choose from. Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William James, John Dewey, The Roosevelts, Joe ("where have you gone?") DiMaggio, Jackie Robinson, JFK, RFK, Dr. King, ... and, thinking of what I said in class last night about my hero the Humanist of the Year:

He was an awful First Pitcher, but a tireless advocate for medical science and public health in the face of the ugliest unwarranted opposition I've seen in my lifetime. I think his example of perseverance in service of the greater good represents America's best. He'll look great alongside Willy J. and Jackie R.

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