Monday, February 3, 2025

Resistance is not futile…

But sometimes debate is. I've read that you should never argue with someone whose television is larger than their bookcase.

Mark Twain said never argue with a fool, observers might be unable to tell the difference. I don't spend much time trying to dissuade MAGA people, though I'm happy to ask them lots of questions. But as Lucy [or Sally, or Marcie, or?] told Charlie Brown, "I don't think about things I don't think about." So I don't expect thoughtful responses.

Maria Popova: "When debate is futile – remembering Bertrand Russell (who died on this day in 1970 having lived nearly a century and won the Nobel Prize) with his extraordinary response to a fascist's provocation."

1 comment:

  1. This quote implies that Republicans are less intellectual than Democrats which is a broad assumption. Because our class is led with a purely democratic view on politics, it restricts an opportunity for a true debate. I do not believe that debate is futile but including different perspectives even if they are something you disagree with could be quite helpful in creating a space for people to connect and voice their philosophical and political opinions!
