Delight Springs

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Can a Night Owl Become an Early Bird?

Well duh! This reads like Monty Python's "How to Do It" skit.

"…First, decide what time you'd like to wake up. Then, get out of bed at exactly that time each day — regardless of how tired you are — and get some sunlight. Sunlight tells your brain that it's time to be awake. Studies have found that morning light can advance your circadian rhythm, which will help your body adjust to an earlier schedule. As your body gets used to starting the day earlier, you'll naturally begin to fall asleep earlier in the evenings as well. Ideally, you should step outside in the morning and engage in exercise or some other activity that makes you alert. "A brisk walk outside in the morning is a pretty good way to start telling your internal clock that it's time to do this," Dr. Rosen said..."
Can a Night Owl Become an Early Bird?

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