Monday, April 3, 2023

Jane Goodall (on her birthday) on the Meaning of Wisdom and the Deepest Wellspring of Hope – The Marginalian

...After deconstructing our ample misunderstandings of what hope really means and defining it not as passive optimism but as the motive force of rightful action — "a human survival trait" without which "we perish" — she turns to the essence of wisdom as the tool that calibrates our hope and aims it at the correct action.

From the far-seeing platform of her eighty-seventh year, she observes:

Wisdom involves using our powerful intellect to recognize the consequences of our actions and to think of the well-being of the whole. Unfortunately… we have lost the long-term perspective, and we are suffering from an absurd and very unwise belief that there can be unlimited economic development on a planet of finite natural resources, focusing on short-term results or profits at the expense of long-term interests...

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