Monday, April 3, 2023

Celebrate experience

A Psychedelics Pioneer Takes the Ultimate Trip
"Life has been more beautiful, more wonderful than ever," says Dr. Roland Griffiths, who has stage 4 cancer.

...So you have this sense, near the end of your life, of waking up to life's real meaning. What's the most important thing for everyone else who's still asleep to know? I want everyone to appreciate the joy and wonder of every single moment of their lives. We should be astonished that we are here when we look around at the exquisite wonder and beauty of everything. I think everyone has a sense of that already. It's leaning into that more fully. There is a reason every day to celebrate that we're alive, that we have another day to explore whatever this gift is of being conscious, of being aware, of being aware that we are aware. That's the deep mystery that I keep talking about. That's to be celebrated! nyt

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