Monday, August 26, 2019

Opening Day Fall 2019

Deja vu, all over again (but did you really say that, Yogi Berra? "I didn't say most of the things I said."): It's Opening Day! I get to introduce myself (and my dogs) to a batch of new students, and they get to reciprocate.
 [LISTEN... 2016...2013-"You don't have to follow me"... What college is for... Success at school vs. success in life]
And who said history doesn't repeat, but it definitely rhymes? Mark Twain? (When in doubt, attribute random witticisms to him.)

Whoever said whatever, history definitely does rhyme, and it echoes, on the first day of each new semester. I love Opening Day, when we're all still working with a clean slate and nobody's in the proverbial cellar. Yet.

I've been on an Alan Watts kick lately, for reasons somewhat obscure to myself. He said "you have no source," we're all source material, we're "IT"... but that doesn't mean we don't each have a series of starts. Ready, set, Goo (as in "Prickles & Goo")... [Alan Watts in "Her"... MALA report]

On an episode of Madam Secretary last season, Blake told his friend (who got booted from his government job because his girlfriend was apparently spying on the State Department) he ought to go into teaching. "You're just saying that because I like to rant." Well, that's one reason to do this job. I confess to the occasional rant, though I prefer to call it a spontaneous and impassioned moment of inspired righteous eloquence. You'll be the judges, at evaluation time.

Another and better reason to teach is because that's the best possible way to learn. My students have always taught me more than I taught them, as much when in error as not. The entire process of preparing to teach, class after class, is an education in itself.

So, Fall '19 co-philosophers, welcome! I look forward to learning from you. I'll try to hold the rants in check, and we'll hit the ground more softly than that benighted whale in Douglas Adams' odd guide to life, the universe, and everything. You didn't come here for an argument [yes they did/no they didn't], but you'll get that and more. ("You see," Alan says, "I'm a philosopher, and if you don't argue with me I don't know what I think. So if we argue, I say 'Thank you,' because owing to the courtesy of your taking a different point of view, I understand what I mean.")

And maybe we'll get just a little wiser.

If we don't get stuck.

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