Wednesday, August 24, 2022

All we can be

It was a good Opening Day. Not many wanted to introduce themselves in class, it always becomes clear who the extroverts are. But their posted intros speak well (or at least interestingly) of them. A sample...

I think in order to get a feel on why I'm here, I should list out my top 3 priorities. In order of importance: 1) My best friends. They're my support system, and I'll drop everything to help them if anything happens to them. 2) My cat. She's my child, and I'll do anyhthing for her. 3) School. It is my goal to make a better life for myself and my loved ones, and school is the next step towards that goal...

There are so many things that are beyond human comprehension that the closest we can get to truly understanding the unknown is to pass information on to others and debate our findings. I have little to no knowledge in this field. Thus, I have no expectations for this class...

The word "philosophy" brings to my mind pictures of people with big brains, saying things about the world that no one had thought of in the most complicated way possible. A philosophy that I want to embody would be Colossians 3:12-17, which basically describes aspects of Jesus when it says to be kind, compassionate, humble, kind, loving, thankful, etc

I know a few philosophers from a web series I watch where the creator helps both himself and the viewers solve relatable problems with both logic and compassion..

We can be so alike yet so different in our thought processes. The third reason I am in this class is because I need perspective. As an individual, I have reflected upon myself and learned that I need to see a different perspective than just my own. I chose to come to college because I know that I am capable of achieving great things, contrary to some peoples beliefs or perception of me. College for me had little to do with my parents and more to do with me. I want to prove to myself and to everyone that doubted me..

I understand philosophy as mankind's attempt to understand purpose. Whether an individual's personal philosophy stems from religion, relationships, activism, or anything else that makes them feel a wholeness of self or a sense of community, it's ultimately about fulfilling the need for purpose.

I look forward to the discussions and debates this class may hold because, as Andrew Forsthoefel said at our Convocation, sometimes the best way to learn who you are is to listen. And maybe that can be the answer to a lot of other existential questions.

When I think of philosophy, I honestly thing about grey haired men with beards in togas discussing world views and ideas...

My understanding of philosophy is that it’s the questions of life, death, and everything in between...

My whole YouTube feed is full of philosophy related topics...

I don’t know much about philosophy besides that the army is always quoting philosophers...

Really? Sun-tzu's Art of War? What else? 

Anyway, we are here to fulfill a mission. With all due respect to the generals, I think philosophy is a more constructive discipline when it comes to pursuing your and our human potential. Aristotle will tell us so on Tuesday. 

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