Saturday, August 6, 2022

Only the beginning

 My farewell to summer school '22.

Thanks, Rationality class of summer '22. I've enjoyed our brief time together.


Older Spock learned to love humanity, and to honor his own (half-) humanity. You might say he developed a "sentiment of rationality" to complement his logical acuity. Maybe (like Picard) he even read some William James. I'd like to think so. But as an old bumper sticker admonishes: 
Do feel free to continue commenting on this site, which will host my Spring MALA course Experience

As WJ said, there's a new dawn breaking on philosophy. And as HDT said, the sun is but a morning star.

Live long and prosper! 

*Interesting example of this, in this morning's Times: AI researchers who think machines can think like humans. 
"The problem is that the people closest to the technology — the people explaining it to the public — live with one foot in the future. They sometimes see what they believe will happen as much as they see what is happening now."

“There are lots of dudes in our industry who struggle to tell the difference between science fiction and real life...” 


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