Delight Springs

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Butterfly in the sky

We watched this great new documentary last night. Wish I coulda shared it (again) with Older Daughter.

Reading Rainbow was a big part of the best years of my life, c.'95-'02, when I got to spend my days with our daughters in their most impressionable years. We'd watch the show and then go find the books at the old Bellevue public library (before or after playing at the Red Caboose Park* next door).

I used to sing the song with them a lot, too. 🎵"I can go anywhere... I can be anything..." 🎵


LeVar's later podcast is also great. In the last episode's epilogue he tells us to "keep looking up." Great advice at any age. But you don't have to take my word for it. 


*UPDATE, 5.30.24. Unsettling coincidence: on the day I mentioned our good old times at the Red Caboose Park, this (I learned this morning) also happened: 

Teenage boy killed, sister injured in Bellevue park shooting

A 15-year-old male is being charged in the shooting, according to MNPD.

 In gun-besotted America, there are no innocent and protected places of play anymore. The victim was 13.

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