Friday, March 18, 2022

Good citizens

 What a long day that was, adding the 3-hour Master of Liberal Arts class (6-9 pm) to my usual wall-to-wall Tuesday/Thursday routine. Barely had time to bike from Bioethics to the other side of campus and scarf a Hershey bar before commencing my contribution (reprised from September) to the "Educating a good citizen" tag-team course.  

My block, "Pragmatism and the reconstruction of American democracy," looked last night at John Dewey. Next week, Richard Rorty. And of course, inevitably, lots of William James.

So what is a good Deweyan citizen? It's anyone committed to democracy, education, learning as "life itself" (not mere career prep), and willing to listen respectfully to all fellow citizens who attest the same commitment. 

My two go-to Dewey doctrines pretty much catch it. One, the ardent ambition to extend our "heritage of values" to the next generation in the expectation that they will follow suit and pay it forward ("The things in civilization we prize most..."). 

And two, that wonderful statement in The School and Society about the best and wisest parent. Same goes for the best and wisest citizen, for whom every citizen deserves equal access to public resources and opportuntity. So simply said, so sadly forgotten.

"Any other ideal for our schools is narrow and unlovely; acted upon, it destroys our democracy."

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