Monday, March 14, 2022


LISTEN. Decided it was time to reread an old favorite, Jacques Barzun's 1983 A Stroll With William James. I envy that title, I've been strolling with James myself since about 1980.

I read it on publication, back in grad school; but when I first had an impulse to pick it up again a few years ago, c.2015 I think, I couldn't find it. So I hunted up a used copy online, placed my order, and then kind of forgot about it. When it arrived I plunked it on the shelf, where it's resided ever since. Until last night.

Tucked inside I found an interesting note, and an apt dedication "to the gentle rereader." I'm guessing Thom never recovered his volume. It's a good lesson for me, sitting on my own little collection of Jamesiana: hurry up, reread what needs rereading and write what needs to be brung out. 

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