Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Snagging butterfly moments

“It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by. How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of the moment? For the moment passes, it is forgotten; the mood is gone; life itself is gone." 

That observation by Bloomsbury luminary Vita Sackville-West (on her birthday) has long inspired me, and may have tipped the subconscious scale for me yesterday afternoon at Parnassus. Younger Daughter and I were there, spending my birthday gift certificate. It came down to either Orwell's Roses or yet another Moleskine. 

I went (yet again) for the tabula rasa, recalling how effective the dog-themed New Yorker blank book she gave me for Christmas has been in motivating me to log and reflect on all our daily dogwalks. You really can't have too many fancy notebooks, if you want to capture those butterflies. 

They don't have to be fancy, I have drawers and boxes full of cheap little Mead pocket notebooks and post-it scraps and other random net-grabs. But the Moleskines are special. This one will reside alongside the dogbook on my desk and demand another entry or two daily. 

Before we left Parnassus for Donut Den, another certificate to spend, we made a point of lingering for a moment in the spot next to poetry where on Sunday we saw Dolly and her collaborator talking about writing. Can't hurt to try and tap some of that creative energy too.

There were other stops along the way. Whole Foods, to return Mom's amazon rejects. Grace's Plaza to renew auto tags (mission not accomplished, the kiosk was broken and the line was too long). That quirky store across from Whole Foods with the Schitt's Creek merch. Starbucks. Trader Joe's. Our first Father-Daughter Day in quite a while. Small memorable moments now snagged. Gone, not forgotten.

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