Friday, February 3, 2023

Groundhog Day’s empowering message

"…in Groundhog Day, the worst day of Phil Connors' life takes place under the exact same conditions as the best day of his life. The only difference is Phil himself, his attitude and actions.

It is an empowering message. Having exhausted indulgence and self-pity, Connors starts to understand he cannot control the world around him, only change how he acts within it. And also that compassion, empathy and helping others without expectation of reward is a route to happiness.

These subtle depths help explain why this timeless film about time, which focuses on the tedium of repetition is ironically so endlessly rewatchable. The other factor is that watching Bill Murray lamp hyperactive insurance salesman Ned Ryerson or pin a man to the wall and say "Don't mess with me, porkchop" will never not be funny. It has struck a chord for 30 years and, appropriately, Groundhog Day is going absolutely nowhere."

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