Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Theory-bound academic ideologists are a poor model of "reasoned argument" as a tool in the search for wisdom. Richard Russo slips that serious point into this hilarious comic novel:

"Students like Blair have learned from their professors that persuasion—reasoned argument—no longer holds a favored position in university life. If their professors—feminists, Marxists, historicists, assorted other theorists—belong to suspicious, gated intellectual communities that are less interested in talking to each other than in staking out territory and furthering agendas, then why learn to debate? Despite having endured endless faculty meetings, I can't remember the last time anyone changed his (or her!) mind as a result of reasoned discourse. Anyone who observed us would conclude the purpose of all academic discussion was to provide the grounds for becoming further entrenched in our original positions."

— Straight Man: A Novel (Vintage Contemporaries) by Richard Russo

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