Saturday, February 11, 2023

“Wait, You’re Not Deconstructing?”

"…With a label borrowed from academic literary theorists, deconstruction has a broad range of definitions and outcomes, from understanding more about a faith once accepted uncritically to full abandonment of religious belief. Today, there are deconstruction coaches, deconstruction seminars, deconstruction podcasts and deconstruction songs. The topic made the cover of Christianity Today magazine last year, with headline "Wait, You're Not Deconstructing?" In other words, everyone's doing it…"
A Duggar Revisits Her Religious Upbringing


  1. I never knew there was terminology for this. I grew up in a very religious home and "deconstructed" from my own Christian backgroud. My mother as she got older has done some deconstruction herself. As far as my experience I was ridiculed for questioning anything that I was taught. I now tell people to atleast attempt reading about other theologies, and philosophies. I feel like I found my idea of morale through knowledge that I was so discouraged to explore. I think it is healthy to be skeptical and form your own path.
