Tuesday, February 21, 2023


One of WJ's anhedonic "sick souls," on losing conviction in a supernatural heaven:

"…every idea of heaven was taken away from me: I could no longer conceive of anything of the sort. Heaven did not seem to me worth going to. It was like a vacuum; a mythological elysium, an abode of shadows less real than the earth. I could conceive no joy, no pleasure in inhabiting it. Happiness, joy, light, affection, love—all these words were now devoid of sense. Without doubt I could still have talked of all these things, but I had become incapable of feeling anything in them, of understanding anything about them, of hoping anything from them, or of believing them to exist. There was my great and inconsolable grief! I neither perceived nor conceived any longer the existence of happiness or perfection. An abstract heaven over a naked rock. Such was my present abode for eternity."*

Just imagine if he'd seen Ted Danson's "Good Place"!

Those of us who always conceived heaven as more like Kevin Costner's Iowa are less susceptible, I suspect, to anhedonia.

* VRE https://a.co/4JY3798

1 comment:

  1. I like to think heaven as "What dreams may come" Robin Williams 1998. It is a very beautiful film and highly suggest anyone to watch it. I feel like it is one of his lesser known movies. It batles with hard subject of heaven, hell and self harm. It is very reminiscent of Dante's Inferno. Which is alot of why I loved the movie so much.I read Dante in highschool. I was a lover of alot of classic literature. Dare I say, I enjoyed this film more than "Patch Adams" and "Jack". Other films from Robin Williams in the mid to late 90s.
